My journey into Five Element Acupuncture began as a patient. The transformative power of this practice reached far beyond just alleviating my physical symptoms; I started to feel more balanced and grounded in all aspects of my life. Most of all, I felt connected to myself again, living with greater purpose and authenticity.

This experience is what drives my practice today. My treatments are tailored to treat each patient’s individual’s needs, each treatment is specific to you, your symptoms and how you navigate your own path in life. In the short-term, we restore balance. In the long-term, we create a consistent sense of health, happiness and purpose.

I earned my Lic Ac in acupuncture after training under master acupuncturist and fertility expert Gerad Kite, who’s guidance continues to shape my approach. I am proud to be a member of the British Acupuncture Federation (BAF), the Acupuncture Regulatory Authority (ARA) and the Association of Five Element Acupuncturists (AFEA). Beyond practicing, I also mentor at Yellow Path School and am currently deepening my practice by undertaking a master’s degree with Gerad Kite.

Daniel James

BSc (Hons), Lic Ac, RARA